Self Development

Every Heartbreak is an Opportunity to see your Value

Heartbreaks are not punishment. Most of them come into our lives because they are destined to be. Sometimes, it will make you feel vulnerable. You may think you are hated by life because you need to suffer and face the consequences. But know that God does not hate or condemn you. Instead, look at the other side of things. Maybe He wants to build yourself more. He wants to bring out the best by letting you go through something that will make you see more of His presence. It’s your chance to depend on Him. To bring yourself to Him and find yourself longing for Him more. 

Know that heartbreaks are not just because of certain things that happen. It is also a reflection of what you have inside. It will show what your heart yearns for, your thirst for love or affection, and your longing for things that aren’t satisfied. It is a way of assessing yourself and the time to reflect. Sit with your pain and ask where it came. Face your pain, and don’t run away from it. God understands it. He also feels it. He knows that it feels unbearable for you and will make you feel like you are losing a part of yourself. That is why He will always attend with you. He is with you and wants you to know that you are not alone and don’t have to face everything alone. You don’t have to load yourself and drown with it. God’s healing is waiting for you. 

Pain is a powerful tool that can bring out the best in you. Some of it comes in different forms. Some of them are because of your unresolved past, your wrong decisions, or your previous unhealed wounds. Heartbreaks are not just a reason to find healing. They could be an instrument for knowing yourself better. The process will be challenging, and times will come when it will feel uncomfortable. It will make you see yourself in a way that will be hard to accept. However, know that no matter what happens, open your heart to it. It is never easy, but it will be worth it. Just go through the process, and always remember that you are doing it for yourself, and it is possible because God is with you.

There is no need to hurry in healing. It is a process, and it happens differently for each person. Just let it flow naturally. Feel it, talk to it, and listen to what it tells you. Read His word and communicate with Him always. Seek help and ask for kind words. Continue and don’t stop until healing happens. You may be busy with life, but know that everything will become lighter when you resolve your inner pain. However, they may still be the same as they were before, but once your mindset and heart are changed, how you will see things will be different, and it will be for the better.

Remember that you will only allow light to flow in you once your heart is already opened. It is not that help isn’t there. It is because you are looking for the proper healing at the wrong place. But know that in Him lies the healing that we all need. So hold on to His promises when you are tempted to give up. Always remember the process might be complicated, but the reward will be fulfilling.