His Word

Examine The Word Of God Every Day

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. As a result, many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men.

Acts 17: 11-12, NIV

Before Paul arrived at Berea, they first went to the synagogues in Thessalonica. They experienced great persecution after they shared the gospel there, and a group of Jews attacked the believers. So, Paul escaped and went to Berea. There, he continued to preach the gospel in their synagogues.

The author of the book of Acts described the Berean Jews as people with noble character. Unlike the Jews in Thessalonica, they received the message of the Lord with great eagerness. Aside from that, it was also stated that they examined the scriptures every day. In short, these people were grounded by God’s word. Because they were already familiar with the scripture, many believed in the truth that Paul was preaching.

From this passage, we can see how important it is to examine the word of God every day. It’s like a daily commitment that we need to make as Jesus’ followers. Perhaps their knowledge of the scripture greatly helped them discern right from wrong. This same wisdom is also available to us today.

The Bible is there to teach us so many things in life. Many people will share valuable lessons with us, but it’s a lot different when God Himself reveals something that we need to learn. The Holy Spirit will guide us to the right decision. And most of the time, He will use the Bible to remind us about the important things that we need to do.

Like the Berean Jews, may we learn to examine God’s word every day so that we will have the faith to receive Jesus and eventually share His love with others.

Prayer: Loving Father, thank you so much for reminding me to seek your word. Please give me a humble heart and be willing to abide in your ways. Teach me how to receive your message with eagerness. I pray for your wisdom so that I may apply the things that I learned from you. Lead me to your heart, Lord, so that I may receive and accept your will. This I ask, in Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.