Expose Yourself To God’s Word, And You Will See Things Differently
God wants to speak to you, especially in your circumstances, but sometimes, we fail to see His perspectives because we never consult Him in the first place. So if you wanted to know the heart of God, then you need to read the Bible in the right context. And when you learn many things about His word, you will know God even more, and you will encounter Him in ways you can never imagine. There are a lot of things that we still need to learn about Him. Even if you keep on reading the whole Bible over and over again, God will always give you a fresh revelation about His great love. It takes a daily commitment to do it, but everything you will discover about Him will always be worth it.
The way you solve your problems depends on your perspective in life. The way you see things determines your solution. That’s why, if there are thoughts that are not pleasing to God, then you really need to allow Him to change it. And He can only do it if you will expose yourself to His word. Some of the solutions that you’ve been looking for are already written in the Bible. You will discover the ways of God, and you will know the purpose of why He created all of us. If you wanted to see the good things behind the circumstances you are facing, then learn from the written stories in His word. When you get to know the heart of God towards His people, you will realize that His love is greater than what you have in mind.
We need to change our perspective so that we will treasure every blessing that He provided for all of us. It’s just sometimes, we feel like we are taken for granted because we never notice those blessings. And the reason is that we see things differently. We are not aligned with the heart of God, and we fail to include Him in our lives. If you wanted to grow in His presence, then let God fill your mind with positive things. Let Him change you from the inside out.
When you have a renewed mind, then that’s the time when your behavior will start to change. What you have inside will reflect on your surroundings. And only then will you realize that your thoughts are very different from God’s thoughts. But even though there’s a big difference, we still need to align everything according to His will. Read His word every day so that you will be guided.

One Comment
Omg, I’m in a battle of avoiding all of these negatives thought that reminds me of my past relationships. But yesterday I started reading the Bible, and this is what I want to spend a least 1 hour in the morning to read the Bible before work. I tried so much to move on and kept close to God.
Thank You, Lord, for watching me and sending me all these messages.