Expose yourself to the Things that will Remind you of God’s Goodness
If you are wondering why you keep on thinking about your worries in life, then maybe you always listen to the negative things around you. When you fill your mind with bad thoughts, you will find it hard to overcome your problems. Be in an environment where you will be reminded about God’s goodness. Surround yourself with people who will inspire you to keep moving. Minimize your time with those who keep on sharing bad news. Watch inspirational videos. Listen to good sermons. And above all, read the word of God. He will remind you about His promises. And in Him, you will always receive the strength that you need to face all your problems. Do not focus on what went wrong. Instead, set your eyes on the blessings that God poured out for you.
The things that are going on in your mind will affect your actions. If you keep on entertaining the lies of the enemy, then you will always feel scared and worried. You need to be reminded about the hope that is in you. Never forget that God is powerful enough to perform miracles in your life. How you think will eventually reflect on your decisions. And the negative thoughts that you have will slowly destroy your life. You will no longer see the good things around you because you choose to focus on something that will never make you feel good. So be careful, and try to check your thoughts.
Be conscious about the type of information that you receive every single day. If you know that what you are seeing or hearing can’t benefit you, then avoid them and try to look for things that will give you rest and feel relieved. You may not see it for now, but what you saw and heard from your environment will shape you. It will either build you up or destroy you in the end. So surround yourself with things or people that will help you grow and become a better person. Spend time with those who will remind you about God’s goodness. When you are in the right environment, then things will be easier for you because you will gain wisdom that will save you from greater pain.
Remember that only the power of God can change the way you see things. So ask help from God. Let Him teach you how to focus on His love and not on the negative things that happened in your life. Put Him at the center of your life, and you will learn to do things according to His will. And when that day comes, you will no longer worry about what might happen next.