Express yourself freely to Him, and find comfort in His message
You are strong, but you can be vulnerable too. You can’t avoid sadness and loneliness. You become so defenseless in unseen battles, enemies, and temptations. You become so clueless about what to do, tired of deciding what to say, or burdened enough to carry more load on your back.
Sometimes, we are so anxious and uncomfortable with being one that we choose to express it in ways to relieve ourselves. When we feel too much weight, we sometimes alleviate our situations through a task that diverts our attention. When we do so, we unconsciously carry our burdens on the inside, Everything is slowly building up and just waiting to explode one day.
We want to be strong every step of the day, but we sometimes forget that we also feel helpless. Deep inside us, there’s that child in us that still longs for something that no material thing can fill. Even if we search for the world, it can never satisfy us. Then we realize that we just don’t need food, water, and air to live. We also need care, words, trust, and love.
We associate love in different ways. Since this world is built with many perspectives and subjective stands, words appeal to have different meanings in other minds. But please do remember, such love that can untiringly and constantly fill you exists. You can find that in Him.
You’ll find a friend in Him that would treasure you and your trust. In Him, you’ll be able to express everything, all of it. All the things that disturb you, things that abhor you, and things that make you feel empty. You can say everything to Him. Please remember, God does not only answer, but He also listens. He listens so well that He is the only one who knows how to comfort you. He can turn your grieving into dancing. He can fix your life.
God talks to us in different ways. As we read His messages and go on throughout our days, He never stops revealing to us His wisdom. We can freely express to Him that we are not just behind closed doors. We can express freely to Him through all He has created. We are not alone in this world; all that surrounds us are part of His greatness.
Talking to Him is not the only thing that can help us, but also expressing honestly to Him. It does not take a light heart to bring ourselves to Him. A heavy, light, broken, or unhealed heart deserves to praise Him and thank Him. You are all that you are capable of feeling; He deserves to know all about you. God bounds you with love. He made you with love. So don’t be afraid to be transparent in Him. Don’t be scared of being yourself in His presence.