Self Development

Face Your Past So That You Will Know How To Deal With Your Future

Our memories will either give us the courage to move forward or hinder us from pursuing our dreams in our lives. Our painful experiences are like chains that trap us to do the things we wanted to do. It creates fear deep inside, and it will stop us from experiencing breakthroughs. That’s why we need to face it before we move forward. Because whether we like it or not, it will always come back, and it will never stop hunting us.

It’s very difficult to do it, but always remember that if you do not deal with the roots, you will always experience the same problem over and over again. And that roots may be in the form of bad memories that happened in your past. As much as you wanted to forget it, you will always encounter it when you are triggered by your present situation. You need to heal your heart first. Sometimes, the bitterness and the anger that you feel will destroy your dreams. Deal with it first, and only then will you gain enough courage to move towards your future.

You can always ask the help of God. Pray that you may have the courage to face the painful memories of your past. Ask Him to give you the kind of heart that is always willing to forgive those who caused you so much pain. Let Him move in your life and transform you into the best version of you. Accept His love and let it heal the deepest pain in your heart. Because the moment it will be healed, that’s the time you will experience a lot of breakthroughs in your life.

The process will never be easy, but you will realize that all the pain and the tears are worth it when you get through it. If you only knew the great things that God planned for you, then your past can never hinder you from achieving those things. It’s bigger than you think. So trust God and surrender your heart to Him. He will always keep it safe and strong.

May you always have the courage to face whatever it is that’s holding you back from achieving your dreams. Let God be your one and only source of motivation. Let Him bring out the best in you, and He can only do it if you surrender everything to Him, including the pain that you always wanted to hide all this time. Let Him take it, and He will replace it with His never-ending love and peace.

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