Self Development

Failure is a step that will lead you to win.

Without failures, you will not know how winning would work. The absence of failing will not complete the meaning of winning. Failures are typical; they happen many times and in different forms in your life. Some happen through events and people, while some linger within the heart and mind. It takes work to accept them. It may seem so easy to think that it happens to everyone, but it will feel so uncomfortable and heavy when it happens in our lives. Sometimes, it will lead you to isolate yourself and make you doubt yourself even more. You may start to regret and think of what more you could have done to prevent yourself from failing. It doesn’t only happen once. It happens again and again. But the good thing is that it is not the only thing that could happen in your life. There are many more good and great things waiting behind the defeats in life.

Failing is winning. It means you win to overcome your doubt when you first take the journey. Not all of us can start something because of our doubt in ourselves. However, if you fail, you can conquer that fear that prevents you from beginning to do something. If you fail, it means you did something. Acknowledge the failure not as a weakness but as a way of discovering more strengths you can embody. It is about learning more about yourself and building your faith within yourself and those around you. But most importantly, it is a way to see God’s greatness in your life. He provided you chances and opportunities that enabled you to move and learn new things. He is there to comfort you and help you learn how to accept uncertainties in life.

See failures as part of the steps you need to take toward victory and success. It is like a ladder you must take to advance in your journey. Do not worry, it is only a passing thing, but it is essential and necessary. Just trust the process. It will be worth it one day. Don’t hurry yourself to win. Take your time, for life, is not a race. Your goal is not just to win but to learn and grow in the presence of God. Value the lessons He will teach you along the way, for that will be your armor in the next journey. Focus on your trip with God and let Him do things beyond what you can. When you lose hope in yourself, know that He holds your fate and not your enemies. Set your hope in Him, for He can do everything and grant you the victory He promised.

God believes you can do more because He knows you, and He will provide you the things you need. Don’t let words weaken you from doing your purpose. Never let the false rumors lose your faith in Him. Hold on and keep on going, for He is not done with you yet. More is waiting for you, so keep on going. Remember, God’s favor and blessings will not stop coming into your life. So just move and let God direct you to the path He prepared for you.