Faith is a choice
Sometimes, we based our faith on the teachings that we received and according to our experiences in life. It’s okay to let our faith grow based on the things that are happening around us. But we need to remember that faith starts deep within our hearts. Yes, it is a beautiful gift from God. But at the end of the day, we also need to choose whether to accept it or not. It’s a matter of choice.
Please don’t depend your faith according to your situation. There are a lot of unexpected things in life. Sometimes we experienced pain and brokenness. There are also moments when we also feel joy and gladness. In short, life is unpredictable. It will give us a lot of challenges that will somehow test our beliefs. But life will not be that hard if we will learn to choose faith over and over again.
We have the freedom to choose what we want to believe in. I hope you will always choose the goodness of God over your problems. I pray that you will always choose His grace over the pain you feel inside. Faith comes at the moment you will start to choose God over the negative emotions you have within. It’s believing His great power even if you feel like you are messed up.
Faith can change your life. And it only takes a decision for you to have it. God will be with you all along the way. He will teach you how to do it. You just have to allow Him. Open your heart so that He can come in. If you don’t know how to do it, you can start by simply praying to God and asking Him to help you increase your faith. He will be your coach. You just have to trust Him.
Our God honors our decisions. That’s why He gives us the freedom to choose. As much as He wanted to introduce Himself in our lives, He would wait until we open our hearts. He doesn’t treat us like robots. He will not force us. He will just stay faithful and do good things in our lives, and it’s up to us if we will acknowledge Him or not. God wants us to choose Him. He deserves our love, even if we think that it’s not enough compared to His great love for us, but still, He is simply worthy to receive all the honor and glory. May we always have faith in Him no matter what happens.