Faith Starts When you keep Walking, Even when Nothing Makes Sense
You won’t really see what’s ahead. That’s why the situations around you appear so meaningless because you don’t know the reason why you need to go through those seasons. You can’t connect them to your future yet. It’s like walking along an unknown path. It won’t make sense. Many times, God will ask you to do certain things without any explanation. You will be challenged to believe in His promises and not in your own will and understanding. He will instruct you to do things that are new and sometimes scary. It’s going to be challenging, but the more you follow God in places you are not familiar with, the more you will see yourself growing in His presence. Your faith will flourish the moment you keep on walking, even if you can’t understand what’s happening.
Stop looking for some explanations. Just because you don’t understand everything doesn’t mean you will no longer receive God’s peace. Learn the habit of resting in His arms even if you don’t have any clue about what the future brings. It’s okay if you feel scared. That’s normal. You are not alone. All of us face so many uncertainties in our lives. At some point, we will experience that moment when we can’t help but feel anxious about our future. But even if God explains everything to us, I don’t think we can comprehend them. We need to go through the process so that we will slowly figure out how to see things the way God sees them. In such a way, we will also grasp the reasons behind what He is doing. He will soon reveal to us what we want to know the moment we are ready. Be patient along the process and trust in His hands.
Allow God to perform miracles. Don’t just rely on what you know. Let go of the things you can’t control, and just follow His instructions. Give Him the space to move. Don’t be so close-minded to the point that you only see things the way you want them. Let God teach and lead you to the right path. Trust His voice because He knows what He is doing. He is the only One who sees your future. He loves you enough to protect you from the choices that can potentially destroy your soul. Follow Him, and you will experience true life. There may be pain along the way, but just remember that it’s part of the process.
One of the most rewarding treasures you could ever receive is the opportunity to receive the kind of faith that can transform your heart. So keep going and pursue the dreams that God planted. Don’t wait for things to be clear and easy. Most of the time, He will ask you to walk even in the darkest days. He will teach you how to take a brave step even in the wilderness. And the moment you choose to obey despite your fears and pain, you will then receive the kind of faith that will lead you to experience heaven here on earth.