Faith Without Action Is Dead
If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
James 2: 16-17, NIV
Faith without action is dead. It’s like telling God, “I trust you,” and then suddenly feeling exhausted because we want to control everything. It’s like expressing “I love you” to our Heavenly Father yet continuing to follow our selfish desires.
Real faith can be seen in actions. You know that you truly believe in God and stop doing your own thing when you find yourself stepping outside your comfort zone. When your mind is fully consumed with His words, that’s when you will have the courage to do what’s pleasing in His eyes.
So, what kind of faith do you have right now? When was the last time you truly believed in something? When was the last time you put your faith in action?
The book of James reminds us to show what it means to have faith in Jesus, especially for those who are in need. It’s not enough that we simply encourage people to keep going. Sometimes, we need to show them how to do it. We need to hold their hands and patiently walk through the process with them until they learn to stand up again.
Faith looks like serving those who are broken and in pain. What good is it to release inspiring words to people yet leave them behind as if good words are just what they need? Sometimes, it’s even better to just stay with them and say nothing. Your time and presence are more valuable than anything else. It’s how they will know what kind of God you believe in.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me to put my faith into action. I pray for a humble heart that’s willing to serve your people. Help me, Lord, so that I may learn to surrender my life for the sake of your Name. Teach me how to faithfully abide in your ways, especially in moments of hardship. Give me the courage to sincerely and genuinely love others, not just in words but also in action. This I ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.