
Father God,

Thank you so much
For the opportunities,
The favor that you gave
The abundance in my needs

I have realized that
You reveal them in a lot of ways
It may be through problems
Of painful circumstances

You taught me
The things that I have to let go
Such as frustrations and disappointments
And even things beyond my control

Sometimes, your favors surprise me
It appears to be storms at first
But at the perfect moment
I encounter your love

Your blessings become evident
Even in the moments, I am down
They are hidden within me
They make me feel comforted

I realized that Your presence
Is real and tangible
Because I faced the challenges
To become the person you wanted me to be

Thank you so much, Lord
For the blessings, I fail to appreciate
Thank you for the opportunities
That helped me to grow and be better

Thank you, Lord,
For changing me from the inside out
For giving me more than enough
And the needs you have provided

Thank you for Loving me unconditionally
Despite all my imperfections and fears
Thank you, Father
For the overflowing opportunities and favors