Fear of the unknown
This is the reason
Why people are afraid to let go
It’s because they are too scared
That tomorrow might get worst
And they might not receive
The things that they hoped for
If you are one of those people
Who are scared
For what tomorrow brings
Then always put this in your heart
God is with you
You are not alone
You may think that tomorrow
Is so uncertain
But God will always be there
He will hold your hands
He will pick you up
Do not be afraid
God prepared a bright future for you
Let go of the things that are holding you
From experiencing breakthroughs
Going out of your comfort zone
May not be that easy
But it’s worth it
You will never know
The great things God prepared
Not unless you take a brave step
Keep walking
Let God’s faithfulness
Be your only assurance
That everything will be okay
Trust in His promises
Have faith
And be excited for the great blessings
That He prepared
Yes, it will be a tough adventure
But as long as you are with Him
You will have a great journey ahead
Your future may be unknown
But the one who’s holding it is faithful
Take heart
And don’t lose hope