Fear Will Subside The Moment You Learn To Accept The Love Of God
We will always encounter pain. This world is full of broken people. That’s why we can’t deny the truth that pain will always be there, and it will create fear inside. But even though we feel negative emotions, we need to remember that there’s always a solution. Perfect love casts out fear. That simply means the love of God can absolutely take away all your fears. So instead of dwelling on the things that will just destroy your life, why not focus on the love of God. And let Him transform you from the inside out. You just have to open your heart so that His love can come in and heal the wounds of your broken past.
Fear will limit you to do great things in life. Most of the time, you feel so stuck in a specific situation because you are afraid to move on. God prepared a very bright future for you, but because you feel so scared every time you do something different, you will never appreciate the great blessings God wants you to receive. The fear will stop you from experiencing breakthroughs. But even though you feel that way, God will just wait until you are ready to face the things that cause you to feel scared. He will never leave you along the journey. He will give you enough strength.
Just open your heart and let God love you. Sometimes, it’s a very challenging thing to do, especially when you already went through a lot of pain. But the love of God is different from what this world can give. He is perfect, and He will never fail us. He will stay and never disappoint us. His love can change the way we see things in life. He alone can restore what’s broken, and His grace will give you a new heart. The kind of heart that’s courageous enough to face every challenge. His love is so powerful that He can possibly heal the deepest wounds you have inside.
You are destined to experience the fullness of this life. You may lose hope because you think that there’s nothing that you can do. But always remember that no matter what happens. God will always be there to help you. Surrender all your fears to God and stop carrying it all alone. Allow God’s love to reign in your heart, and your fears will subside. He will replace it with faith, and He will empower you to take the next step.