Fill Your Mind Constantly With Prayers
You can never control the things that will happen in your surroundings. You simply don’t have enough authority to do it. You will face difficult situations in life, and the unexpected moments will somehow test your faith. That’s why the best thing that you can do is to continually fill your mind with prayers. Because the more you surrender everything to God, the more you increase your faith. And when there is faith, there is also hope in your life. If you wanted to stay on track, try not to think of the things that slowly pull you down. Instead, set your eyes on God. Do not entertain the negative thoughts and choose to listen to the voice of your loving father. He knows the best thing that you can do, so put your trust in Him.
If your mind is not filled with prayers, then anxiety and worries will easily come in. When you feel so disturbed by the things going on in your mind, just learn the habit of constantly talking to God. Share to Him your thoughts. Tell Him all your worries, and above all, open your ears so that you will hear His voice. Remember that prayer is two-way communication. God will speak to you. Just let Him move and touch your heart. He will comfort you. Do not limit His power in your life and let Him reign so that the anxieties and worries will fade away.
Let God take good care of you. Remind yourself that He is your Father and He will help you. Your prayer is an act of surrender. It’s like you are telling your problems that your God is bigger. It’s like you are honoring God, even if you are going through difficulties in life. When you pray, it’s like you tell your enemies that Your God is worthy to be praised and be glorified even in pain and challenges. Choose to magnify God, and you will be amazed because He will perform great things in your life. Too marvelous for your mind to comprehend.
Acknowledge the power of God in your life. Your prayers are like a powerful reminder for you that God can do all things. He will stay faithful in your life. Let your mind be filled with His goodness and love. The negative thoughts will subside when you choose to think of the great things that God did in your life. Just connect to Him, and your days here on earth will always be worth living.