Focus on Eternal Things
This world is broken. There will be times when we experience pain and problems, and there will be unfair situations along the way. This is why we need to set our eyes on eternal things. If we just focus on the situations of this world, we will easily lose hope and feel disappointed. The negative things around us will consume our souls, and living a fulfilled life will be impossible.
When we also fix our eyes on the temporary things of this world, we will no longer consider the eternal consequences of our choices. We will live as if our life ends after death. We will try to do the things that we want to experience here on earth as if it’s what matters in the end. We will no longer consider gathering treasures in heaven because we believe that the life we have right now is more important than anything else.
But in God’s perspective, He encourages us to live with an eternal mindset. He desires for us to gather treasures than can’t be stolen. He wants us to live in eternity with Him. And this will never be possible if our hopes and goals are just limited to what we can see and touch. The danger about this is we will make decisions that will temporarily fill the gap but won’t necessarily solve the problem. Sadly, we have this finite mindset that prevents us from experiencing more of God.
So let’s not just dwell on the things of this world. Let’s remember that our lives are too short compared to the life we will have with God. What we do here on earth gives us a clue about the kind of eternity that we will experience.
Let’s not waste our time building temporary riches. Instead, let’s actively seek the Kingdom of God by loving Him and others. Let’s do what’s right in His eyes, and rest assured, everything will be worth it in the end.