
Focus on the Promise, Not on the Circumstances

If you are too bombarded by so many problems right now, always remember that God’s promises will always prevail. You may not see the good things behind your situation, but keep your faith even when you can’t feel His presence. It’s not easy to focus on the brighter side, especially when you are too consumed with negative emotions, but you need to remind yourself that God’s goodness will never stop. He will stay faithful to you. That’s why be patient and pray that He will give you the courage you need. Depend on His love so that you will be motivated to keep walking even if you are tired and weak. Command your soul to step up and focus on what’s coming.

God is faithful. He will never change. He will stay true to His words no matter what circumstances you are in. So when you are in doubt, choose to trust in Him and not in your own understanding. You may go through so many changes and unexpected moments, but God’s plans will prevail. He will still do what He promised to you. If you can’t help but feel down because of the difficulties you face, just close your eyes and declare what He said. Believe with all your heart that things will be better. You may not receive what you asked for at the moment, but God is just teaching you how to properly handle His blessings.

Sometimes, God’s promises are so hard to accept, especially when your situation is exactly the opposite of what you asked for. But it’s the perfect opportunity for you to activate your faith. Remember that it exists because you choose to hope for things you can’t see. Do not dwell on the problems. Instead, let your situation take you to a different level. Change the way you see things and focus on improving yourself. Let His words give you the confidence to pursue the desires that God planted in your heart. Plant His promises in your heart, and imagine that it’s like a seed that will bear fruit and prosper in God’s presence.

All of us will go through hardship. No one is exempted. You may think that rich people don’t have any problems, but the truth is, they are also facing different battles in life. So focus on the light and not on your situation. Allow God to perform miracles. Give Him the chance to change the way you perceive the challenges. The process may not be that comfortable, but you can always trust the seasons that God allowed you to go through.