Focus on what is left in you than what was lost
There will be moments when people will slowly leave your life. Most will just leave once they serve their purpose. But despite the pain, may you always hold the memories that you have with them. Keep the good ones, and learn from those that aren’t. Sometimes, you will go through a painful process just to move on or to learn how to accept the changes in your life. It will be difficult, but remember that God is always with you through that healing process. You may not be the same as you were, but looking on the bright side, you grow and become a more mature version of yourself.
The things and people that left may have taken a part of you, but you will always be left with something that will help you begin again. Allow God to teach you how to prosper and nurture what was left in you. Allow Him to help you build that courage and strength again. That lingering pain and brokenness can still turn into lessons that will help you grow more and more in this life. It can serve as a testimony of those who shared similar experiences with you. It can spread sympathy and companionship for those who are also hurt and broken.
It is okay to let yourself feel what you are supposed to. Be sad, lonely, and cry if you must. Release the tears and tell Him everything about it. God will listen and comfort you at that moment. Remember, no one can understand you better than He can. So tell Him everything about it. When you feel so empty, just open up your cup and offer it to Him. He will use what you still have. No matter how little there is, it can grow, and He can even do miracles. That seed, no matter how tiny it is, can still grow and even help yourself and those around you.
You can always begin again. There are more chances and opportunities out there than what you have lost. Just trust Him and believe that you will never be alone in that process. Remember, everyone goes through struggles. But whatever there is with you, choose to surrender it all to Him. He will help you out. Always read His word and be guided by His teachings and promises. God always makes a way and will always do good because that is who He is. He is your Father who dearly loves you and accepts every part of you.
When you feel almost empty, gather all that is left and praise Him with it. Remember, He can make something out of nothing. He can turn anything small into something extraordinary. Your God is mightier and more vital than anything in this world. You are always safe with Him. So, have faith, for God is not done with you yet.