
Focus on Who you are Walking with

We tend to focus on our journey and sometimes forget who we are walking with. Life is sometimes too overwhelming to notice other than what is in front of us. That is why we can’t see that we trade our quality time for something that would have mattered more than what we actually chose. We keep on being busy rather than spending time with people we love. We won’t notice that our priorities slowly alter as we invite new responsibilities in life. Although each of us has different preferences, it is sad that we would only know the worth of one thing when it begins to fade and be gone forever.

God knows and understands what’s within our hearts. He knows that we get too trapped in our worries. We think too much about what might happen if we do not attend what we are supposed to be attending. He fully understands that sometimes, our thoughts would make us worry too much about the future. However, His presence would always draw us closer to Him despite the seasons we are in. He wants us to know that who we are walking with is more significant than what we are walking in. That His grace is more important than our problems.

His glory is far more powerful than the enemies lurking around us. He wants us to realize that our problems are not the end of us but they are only obstacles we need to go through to bring out the best of us. We will only see more of His glory once we invite Him into our lives. His greatness will be more visible once we acknowledge Him in our lives. 

There are a lot of things that we cannot do by ourselves. Our choice will be under our control but how a situation will turn out is not ours to choose. Trusting God is about believing that His glory and favor will still prevail whatever happens. It is about the faith that everything happens for a reason, no matter the outcome. We may not figure out what it is for right away, but soon we will. We must hold on to His promises and the things He prepared for us. Let us protect our peace always and let Him be the center of our lives.

He never left us. He is always there around us, teaching and protecting us. Our life situation may be so confusing sometimes, but it is because we are still figuring things out. Sometimes, learning would take so much of our effort and time. When we acknowledge the kind of life we have, we will slowly understand things about ourselves. When we know our lives, we will be conscious of why we need much of God. Let us accept our weakness and that we cannot do everything in our lives. Let us acknowledge His presence always and know that we are not alone in the journey.