Follow God even if you are Hurting
Following God is not easy. You will go through the process of pruning and breaking. You will be molded, and sometimes, it hurts. But even if you are in pain, follow God anyway. Do what He asks you to do even if you can’t understand what’s happening. Lift up your hands and choose to glorify His name even in moments when your heart is breaking because, in those times, you are simply treating God as the King of your life. It means that you choose to acknowledge His will and accept His ways. You choose to abide in His instructions despite the fears that you feel. You keep His words in your heart, and you yearn for His presence even if you are deeply wounded. It’s one of the highest forms of worship. When you choose to honor God in the midst of pain, that’s when you will realize who He truly is in your life.
Spiritual maturity happens when you follow God despite of the negative emotions that you have inside. The lies in your head may be louder than the instructions of God but keep on connecting to His heart. Talk to God and submit to Him all your worries and cares. Put Him first above your own emotions and desires. Treat His word as the light of your life. When the world tries to tempt you to listen to what your flesh desires, choose to surrender in the arms of God. Ask for His help, and He will give you the grace to overcome the temptations of the enemy. Obey Him, and He will lead you in the right direction. Grow in His presence, and you will never see things the same way, especially the negative things.
Don’t allow the pain to hinder you from believing in His promises. Behind what you experienced is an opportunity for you to hold on to what God said. You need to learn how to believe in His name even if you feel so messed up inside. Don’t focus on what you feel. Acknowledge it, but don’t use it as your basis in making decisions. Your emotions are there to give you ideas about what’s going on inside. They are like signals that will help you determine the steps that you need to take. Ask for God’s wisdom so that you will know how to manage it. Let God’s presence be more real than the pain that you feel.
Your faith will lead you along the journey of healing. It’s one of the weapons that you can use to protect yourself from the lies of the enemy. If you want to experience breakthroughs, then all you need to do is remind yourself of God’s instructions and let Him give you the blessings that you need. Don’t worry; God will never give you instructions that are impossible for you to follow. He will be there to guide and help you. All you need to do is believe and trust in Him even if you can’t see and comprehend His great plans.