Following the Will of God is still Your Best Option
When you are surrounded by so many opportunities and don’t know where to go, always remember that God’s plans will prevail. Living life according to His will is the best option that you can have. So be grateful in moments when you are left with no choice but to keep moving. Because that’s God’s way of telling you that what He prepared is greater than what your mind can comprehend. You may not understand what He is doing in your life, but always choose the one that will glorify His name. Only then will you realize that all He wants is for you to make the most of His blessings. It will all make sense in His perfect timing.
Don’t be discouraged if things don’t go according to your plans. Not everything that you want is best for you. Maybe you just rely on your own understanding, that’s why you feel frustrated every time God will not give you what you prayed for, but the thing is, He knows your heart. And He already prepared the best for you. Trust in Him and open your eyes so that you will see a better perspective. You will fail to appreciate the process if you keep on thinking about yourself. Sometimes, you need to consider the will of God and acknowledge the truth that you don’t know everything. Allow Him to teach you how to see things using His lens of love.
It’s better to follow God’s will than be in a place where you will feel so devastated. You may go through hard times, but that doesn’t mean your life will no longer be beautiful. It’s just His ways are always mysterious. Sometimes, you will never understand what’s going, and you will feel so confused. But instead of focusing on the things you can’t control, all you need to do is set your eyes on His goodness. Remember His great power and choose to keep your faith. The journey He wants you to take may not start on a smooth road, but you will always arrive in the perfect place that He prepared. With Him, you will end this life with victory.
At the end of the day, God alone can lead you to the right path. He knows your purpose, and He determines the necessary things that you need to learn along the way. So instead of trusting your own timeline and following your own plans, let God move and do His thing. Let Him be your Father, and He will prove to you that His love is greater than the hardships you face in life.

I really felt that I have been pursued while reading this passages… Thank you God…for letting me know your plans and preparing for that
Daphni tracy
I am frustfrated what is happening around me ,sometimes i want to give up everything but God is my comforter my strength my best friend even if there is no one to understand or love he is always there for me
Sure word!