Self Development

Following your pride means you treat yourself as better than God

It takes a humble heart for humans to accept that they are nothing without God. Sometimes, we tend to follow our own ways, thinking that what we have in mind is right, but the truth is, God knows what’s best for us. So we need to stop relying on our own understanding. Instead, we must come to Him and ask for guidance. But sadly, people fail to consult Him because of pride. They think that they are wise and smart enough to face the circumstances in their life. If you happen to see yourself as someone who merely depends on your own wisdom, then this is a wake-up call for you.

Don’t wait for something worst to happen before you finally decide to listen to God. Your ego will just bring you down if you don’t know how to surrender it to Him. It’s good to trust yourself, but treating yourself as the God of your life is something that you need to change. You may have the freedom to choose, but at the end of the day, you will face your creator and receive His judgment. He will look at your actions and how you handle His precious gift called life.

While you are still here, choose to be humble and surrender your ego to God. Do not let your selfish desires consume the goodness within you. Take pride in what God did and not in your own efforts and strength. Remember that He is the source of the blessings. Yes, you worked hard for the things that you have, but you will never experience victories not unless God allows them. His plans always prevail. That’s why you owe it all to Him.

Don’t treat the riches that you have as something that are all yours because they are all from God, and He can take them back anytime He wants. So instead of focusing on the material things you have, look unto the source, and you will have more than enough. Respect and fear Him because it’s when you will learn how to properly handle His blessings. Depend on His ways and trust in His plans. Don’t just easily conclude about things. Present them all to God and listen to His voice. He will show you how to manage your life. Treat Him as your mentor, and you will always be guided.

You don’t know what’s ahead. That’s why you need to acknowledge His ways. He orchestrated your life. It means that He alone can lead you to the future that He prepared. It’s not about your own knowledge and skills nor your effort and strength, but it’s about your faith in Him. That’s how you can live this life to the fullest. God doesn’t want you to boast about the things that you have. Remember that even our salvation it’s not something that we need to work hard for. Jesus paid it all, and all we need to do is receive Him in our lives.

God accepts us not because of our actions but because of what Jesus did. This truth will remind us to be humble in His presence. After all, we will never experience the fullness of this life if not because of Jesus’ sacrifices. That’s why you need to abide in Him. Stop trusting in your own feelings. Fix your eyes on God, for He knows what will happen next.

You are just a mere human, and your life is too short. Don’t waste your precious time chasing the things that will only make you feel happy for a moment. Come to God and surrender your life to Him. Ask for His guidance and let Him teach you how to live according to His will. He prepared a wonderful future for you, but you will fail to appreciate it if you keep on listening to yourself. You need to acknowledge God’s sovereignty in your life. You need to have a humble heart that’s willing to listen to His voice and follow His instructions. Sometimes, you will find yourself struggling, but the journey will be worth it. You may not see it now, but following God is the best decision you could ever make.


  • Hanton

    Thank you very much To have a Humble Heart is to know the truth that I am nothing without God and He knows what is Best for me and I need to Trust in Him with all my Heart for I do not know what is ahead for He already prepared a wonderful future me and I must never follow my pride and ego, and to have a Humble Heart is what I need the most for me to listen to His voice and His instructions, and following Him is the Best decision I could ever make for His plans always prevail and He will show me how to manage my life with victory for He knows what will happen next, AMEN💙💙💙.

  • Michele

    Thank you Jesus for my life. I know your way is the right way and path for all Hope and understanding . I pray many turn to you ,especially my boys and all teens that struggle without you . Satan is attacking everyone especially our young kids and teens . Praying for all that are lost to seek you Lord for endless love ,peace with light for this journey in life ahead of them. Amen 🙏