
Forgive me, Lord

I just want to say sorry Lord
Sorry for all of my sins
Sorry because I tend to forget you sometimes

I’m so sorry for those times
When I just wanted to give up
I’m sorry for the wrong things that I have done

Help me Lord,
Teach me how to honor you in everything that I do
I’m simply nothing without you

I need your guidance
I need your love every single day
Teach me how to humble myself Lord
Teach me how to listen to your words

Father, I pray for your healing
Please heal the pain in my heart Lord
So that I can love others

Teach me how to forgive Lord
Teach me how to follow you
Father, I’m so lost without you
I need your comfort every day
I need you to remind me that I am loved

Sometimes, I tend to forget my identity Lord
I blame myself
I condemn myself
Because I feel like I’m not worthy
But every time I feel so inadequate Lord,
Please remind me that I am your child

I know all these negatives things in my mind are not true
I know that you alone can purify my thoughts
You alone can redeem me Father

That’s why I surrender to you everything
Have your way in my life Lord
Let your will be done Be glorified Lord

I just want to honor you Father
I just want to lift up my hands to you
I love you Lord
I’m forever yours Father

In Jesus Name, Amen.

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