Forgiveness Is A Precious Gift That You Can Give To Yourself
The pain will sometimes hinder you from forgiving others. When you remember all the terrible things you experienced because of a certain person, you will feel so bitter on the inside. It happens when you choose to dwell on the pain you feel, but you will receive God’s healing when you learn to let go and surrender everything to Him. He will teach you what forgiveness is all about, and only then will you realize that it’s a precious gift that you can give not just for people who broke your heart but it’s for yourself as well. It’s one way for you to experience freedom and peace. It’s like you are opening your heart so that God can reign inside.
Forgiveness is a choice. Yes, it’s hard to do it, but if you just let your emotions control you, you will always find it impossible to accept the mistakes of others. If you focus on the negative things that happened, you will feel so lost and broken. That’s why you need to choose to forgive. Do not look at the person’s imperfection. Instead, set your eyes on God and remind yourself of His unfailing grace and love. Acknowledge the truth that you are not also perfect. Just like those people who committed terrible things in your life, you also need the grace of God to forgive you from your sins. When you receive His forgiveness, you will also extend His grace to others.
Set yourself free from the pain of the past. Know that you have the right to do it. Give yourself the freedom that you need. Stop keeping the memories that will hinder you from experiencing the blessings of God. Don’t be afraid to let go. Once you choose to follow God despite the pain that you feel inside, you will experience the kind of peace that will heal your heart and give you rest. Choose to release love, and God will bless your life.
It’s hard for you to forgive if you are not filled with God’s love. You need an assurance that everything will be okay after you release your bitterness and pain, and the love of God can promise you the protection that you need. In His presence, you will never feel empty and lost. He will stay faithful to you, and His mercy and love will never run dry. The moment you receive Him in your life, you will be empowered to forgive those who hurt you.