Forgiveness Requires a Lot of Courage
Deep wounds need time to heal. The pain will not usually fade in an instant. You must go through a long process, and it’s not that easy. That’s why forgiving those people who broke your heart takes a lot of courage. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do it. You can extend mercy to others as long as you stop relying on your own strength and understanding. Trust in God and let Him guide you to the right steps. He will change your heart, and with Him, you will learn how to humbly accept other people’s mistakes. He will let you see the bigger picture so that you will discover the reason why you need to let go of the bitterness that you feel inside.
Forgiveness is not for the weak and faint-hearted. It’s like a risk that you need to take. It’s about giving up what you feel and allowing God to reign. You can’t do it just by relying on your own will. You need to ask for help. Come to your loving Father, and He will give you the courage to forgive others. The pain may still be there, but He will teach you how to move forward and surrender all the negative emotions you have. Just open your heart for His love, and He will let you experience the kind of freedom that this world can’t give.
Focus on God and let Him strengthen you. Remind yourself of the grace that you receive from Him. He chose to accept you over and over again despite all your mistakes, and that truth alone will also lead you to forgive others. When you allow the love of God to reign, the bitterness that you feel will slowly fade. He will take away all your fears. So set your eyes on His power, and you will experience breakthroughs in life. You will stop holding on to the pain, and you will learn to surrender everything.
Forgiving someone is not easy, but it’s the only way for you to experience the fullness of God’s blessings. If you always focus on what went wrong, you will fail to appreciate the good things that He is doing. So let go of the anger, and keep walking through the right path. Do it not just for others or for yourself, but it’s about pleasing God and following His will. Forgive, and you will be able to experience more of His great miracles.