Self Development

Give importance only to the Things that will Matter in the End

We live in a time full of distractions and uncertainties. Because of the rise of social media and the internet, we are bombarded with information and entertainment. And unknowingly, those temporary pleasures keep us away from the things that matter most in the end. So before it’s too late, try to evaluate how you spend your time. Check if you allotted enough time for the important things that will affect your life. Try to reflect on the status of your relationships with other people and especially with God. Remember that you can never bring your riches with you when you die, but the wonderful moments you have with your loved ones and with God will always stay in your heart.

Develop your relationship with God because He alone can take you to eternity. You can never save yourself from sins. You need Jesus in your heart. So focus on Him and not on the things that will just break you in the end. Connect to your loving Father, and He will always be there to guide you to the right path. Read the Bible every day so that you will know how to love Him and the people around you. Acknowledge the truth that without God, you are nothing. You simply need His instructions and guidance. And this life will be worth living because of the moments you have with Him. 

Spend more time with your loved ones. You may find it hard to balance everything. But remember the reason why you are trying your best in the first place. If it’s for the people you love, then know that they also need your presence. So enjoy your moments with them because you will never know what lies ahead. Tomorrow is always uncertain. So make the most of your time today. Create happy memories with them and learn to treasure the simple yet meaningful moments in your heart. Then, one day, when you grow old, you will realize that you lived an abundant life because of the good things you experienced from the people you love.

Let your joy be rooted in the love of God. Put Him at the center, and you will not be tempted to focus on the temporary pleasures that this world can give. If you receive His unfailing love, you will no longer prioritize those things that will not really benefit you in the end. When you find your satisfaction in Him, you will stop acquiring riches that will only fade. So open your heart and let Him come in, and He will teach you how to live this life to the fullest.

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