Give Out Of A Pure Heart
This is not a matter of getting God’s reward, but it’s a matter of someone’s motive in giving. God sees our hearts more than He sees our actions. He knows what’s driving us to help and serve those who are in need. Is it for our own glory? Or is it for the purpose of building the Kingdom of God?
When you give, you don’t have to announce to everyone the good things that you did. You don’t have to post it on social media. It’s between you and God. You will know that your heart is right towards the things that you are doing when you choose to do it out of love and not out of personal gain.
Let God reward you with eternal gifts. Do not focus on what you can gain here on earth. Instead, fix your eyes on Jesus. Do things out of the desire to honor Him.
Your motives will matter to God. He will check your heart. That’s why there are instances when He would allow you to go through unexpected circumstances so that your eyes will be opened to the things that are going on inside.
He will reveal to you your heart desires in ways you never expect. When that moment comes, you will realize the reason why you are doing good things for other people. He is simply giving you the chance to purify your heart’s intentions.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding me to give out of love and not out of personal gain. I pray that you will change me from the inside out and continue to purify my heart so that I can genuinely serve you and your people. Help me, Lord, so that I may learn to set my eyes on the eternal treasures that you prepared for me and not on the temporary things that I will gain here on earth. Give me the grace to believe in your promises. This I ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.