
Give Yourself Away

You can’t think of others’ need
Not unless you are done thinking of yourself
You can never consider their feelings
Not until you stop putting
Your own emotions first

You can never serve
If you keep on thinking
About your own good
You can’t give yourself away
If you are still hurting
And wounded on the inside

It’s just impossible to love
If you can’t love yourself first
You can’t give what you don’t have
You can never take good care of others
Unless you take good care of yourself

Loving yourself doesn’t mean
You become selfish
It simply means you need to deal first
With the wounds in your heart
So that you will be able to freely serve
And love others

When you know that you are loved
You will no longer long for it
Instead, you will share the love you receive
To the people who are broken and lost

So if you wanted to become a better person
Then, choose to receive the love of God
And He will change the way you see things
He will give you enough blessings
And teach you how to share it with others

He will give you a selfless heart
That’s willing to serve
The people around you
So take your time to go through
The healing process

Be patient
Receive the love and grace of God first
Embrace His presence
Because after that season
You will learn to sow fruitful seeds
To other people

You will no longer think
Of your selfish desires
Instead, you will fully give yourself away
So that others can live