Go Face your Fears and Reach your Dreams
Let no one stop you. If you know in yourself that God planted a desire in your heart, then go and face your fears. Reach the dreams that He wanted you to fulfill. Life may be challenging, and you may think that what you have in mind is impossible, but remember that the One who created this world is powerful. He can do all things as long as you believe and keep your faith in Him. Do not focus on your own ability and strength. Set your eyes on God, and He will give you the wisdom that you need. Rely on His love for you, and you will never be discouraged. He will equip you along the journey. Just allow Him to move and acknowledge His teachings.
Let God give you the courage you need. When you are full of doubts. Call upon His name, and He will be there to help you. He created this world, which means that He can give you enough resources. Make Him the King of your life, and no one else can dictate your steps except Him. If you think that you can’t make it, then hold the hands of God, and He will walk with you. He will be there to support you. Know that He created a perfect journey for you. Trust in His ways and choose to grow in His presence.
Include Him in everything that you do. Do not make decisions without Him. Honor His will in your life, and you will always be guided. Submit all your plans to Him and seek Godly advice. Never depend on your own knowledge. Remember that you still need to learn a lot of things. That’s why, learn from those people who are walking ahead of you. They can teach important life lessons as long as you have the humble heart to accept their corrections. God will send the right people who will help you reach your dreams. Just don’t forget to put Him at the center of your life.
When you are scared, it means that you are doing something new, and you will earn valuable treasures out of it. Just don’t focus on your fears and fix your eyes on God’s promises. Keep your faith and know that He will always be there to lead you. He will protect you from harm. Your journey will be worth all your efforts and pain. Take heart! Because with God, you are always destined to win.