
Go Make A Plan But Don’t Forget God

You always have the freedom to choose the things that you wanted to do. But please, include God in your plans. Don’t forget Him. Because He alone can guide you on the right path. God also has great plans for you, so learn to consult Him. Don’t just pray the moment everything is messed up. Talk to Him every step of the way, and only then will you experience His presence moving in the midst.

Sometimes, we wanted to do things in our own way because we wanted to be fully in charge of our situation. But we can never really control everything. That’s why we need God to guide us. Acknowledge the truth that there are still a lot of things that you don’t know, but God can absolutely teach you those great things if you will just allow Him. God’s perspective is very different than ours. Most of the time, His plans are greater than what we have in mind. So it’s better to listen to Him first.

It’s okay to make plans. You need to have something that will guide you about the next thing that you do. But then, making plans without acknowledging God is a different story. Everything that God is doing is for our own good. He wanted us to experience the best. But then sad to say, there are times when the best things that we have in mind are not actually God’s best. Simply because God knows your real identity for He created you. And that means He knows the purpose why we are here on earth.

Go make your plan, but allow God to messed it up. Because He has His own way of doing things. We don’t have to understand everything that He is doing, all we have to do is simply trust Him. If you think that the plans you have right now are all shattered because many unforeseen things happen, then it’s the perfect time for you to trust God. Because maybe He is just redirecting you to the place that He destined you to be.

Just allow him to teach you what to do. One day, you will realize that God is just preparing you to receive the great things that are meant for you all this time.  Your life may not go well according to your plans, but know that you are always safe and secured in God’s arms.