God allows the Pruning Season because He wants you to Grow and Prosper
There were times in our lives wherein we set things our way. We create plans and make the most of our time. But, there were also times we lay low and took some rest before another battle started. Needless to say, our lives in this world revolve around things of ups and downs. We can be sad now and be happy later. We can be crying right now and then laugh later. We can be weakened right now and be more substantial later.
But lives can be more than just two sides of a coin. There is everything in between. It is as if everything is set more like a whirlwind than a stair. Everything has its complex component of something. But what is lovely to remember is that in the eyes of God, we are all His children. He is the Father – the Father who can tend to and takes care of us like a child. You can be an adult in this world but still a child in Him. He knows what you need and what you have to go through to raise you in life.
God is not just a name. He is everything. He is the ultimate. He is the constant giver and provider. When God cuts things in your life, it is not entirely because you have poor choices but because He knows what can help you grow and succeed. Sometimes God would let you be involved in situations that will test your choices. Sometimes He would let you choose things your way and have to learn from it. He allows failures in different events of your life because He knows how to make you grow in His presence.
He sees what we can’t. He can create things bigger and wiser than any being on this planet. So if the doubts creep in, remember God. Let His peace enter. He is the song your ears have been waiting to hear. He is the music that will fill your life with perfect rhythm and harmony. He is not a treasure that is hidden beyond mountains and caves. He is not a stone that needs to be dug into to find. God is where you are. He is just waiting for your life. He is the one that surrounds you. He is everywhere.
You need to be taken care of to grow, and God knows how. He knows what to remove in your life that prevents you from succeeding. Sometimes, it is painful. Letting God cut things that became our comfort can be heart-breaking. And it is normal for us to resist, but please remember that growth does not always feel so comfortable. Sometimes it’s heavy, but God promised it would be worth it because, for Him, you are worthy.

One Comment
Lacausta Dooley
God had to take someone away from me before I’d straighten up because I got too comfortable plus I was a drug addict. Now I’ve been in recovery for over 2 years and I’m doing so good I’ve got a job a car a place of my own. But I’ll always wonder will God ever bring my soulmate back into my life. We had been together 28 years and we have kids and granddaughter. We both haven’t been with anyone else. I know we needed time apart but I feel in my heart like God has laid it on my heart that we will be back together when the Lord’s time comes for us to be. I do find myself second guessing what I feel in my heart strongly and I feel that’s God telling to believe in Him to have Faith in him. Sometimes I wonder if I’m fooling myself cause I want my family back together. But I truly feel that has been laid on my heart.