God calls you to Conquer this World through Love
The strongest weapon that we have as a child of God is His great love. It’s powerful, and it can melt someone’s heart no matter how hard it is. And that’s how He wants us to conquer this world. We are called to love the people around us, including our enemies. So let’s kill the forces of the devil through God’s goodness and grace. Let’s face this battle with victory. Jesus did it first. He showed us what love was all about. It takes pain and sacrifice. It’s dying to self so that others will live. It’s not going to be easy. Sometimes, we will feel tired and burned out. But all our efforts will be worth it. You may not understand everything for now, but it will all make sense one day. Just choose to love even if there’s pain. Know that God will be there to give you enough strength.
This world will break your heart, but choose to love. No matter what you do, you can never avoid pain. You are surrounded by broken people, and that means, one way or another, they will disappoint you. But that’s the beauty of love. It grows the moment you discover the imperfections of other people. It matures when you learn to understand and choose to love them despite what they did. Yes, there are moments when you need to distance yourself from toxic people, but you can always choose to love them from afar and keep them in your prayers. Love will always find a way, and it will give you the kind of fulfillment that this world can never offer.
Sometimes, life is unfair, but choose to love. You will go through so many challenges, and you will experience painful moments that will make you realize that God alone can satisfy your heart. Some people will leave you hanging, and you will feel so alone along the journey. But that doesn’t mean you are on the wrong track. Just keep loving God and His people even if you can’t understand what He is doing. Do the right thing even if no one appreciates you. Remember that God sees you, and He admires your willingness to love and forgive those who broke your heart.
Never forget that love always wins. God is love, and in Him, you will always find victory. Maybe you feel that the people around you took you for granted but know that God is leading you to the place where you will experience freedom and true joy. The love that you shared with other people will grow and bear fruit. Soon, you will reap your harvest, and you will realize that it’s worth all the pain and brokenness.

Sharon Tasley
Amen that was well said and I truly appreciate reading those words this morning I pray God continue to bless you to be a blessing to others like myself. I would love to hear more as God speak to your heart.
I thank God and I want to say thanks to you.
God is Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️