
God can also bless you

Don’t envy others on how God blesses them because God is greater, and He blesses you also. God does not only bless chosen people but all of us. He does not only provide blessings for those who ask but also for those in need of it. Before we asked what we wanted, He had already prepared everything. The breath we take every second of the day is part of His miracles and favor in us. You don’t always have to match what blessings you intend to receive and what He can give just to say you are blessed. He finds ways in you that you don’t have to route everything yourself.

We sometimes see other peoples’ prayers answered and given to them – sooner than yours. We can’t help but notice people’s blessings and forget ours. Sometimes you would ask God what about you and everything you have worked hard for. But have you ever asked Him how He would do it and why He chooses yours to be different? It may be because God wants you to be ready. He may want you to be prepared once He makes His will in you come true. 

But sometimes, it takes a heart to receive something. Sometimes God will provide us things we are not ready to take. It may be because it is too great for us. Yet, you need to remember that when God blesses you, He does not only mean you but could also be those who are with you. When God uses you as a vessel of His blessings, He sees you as a vessel of His love. God wants you to know and realize life is beyond all the tangible things He can provide for you. He works in your heart and not just what surrounds you. 

God is greater than all of the blessings that He can pour. He is immeasurable, so you don’t need to worry when He does not make moves in your life yet. You don’t have to stress what more you can give to Him to receive something in return. Because there is nothing, you have that He needs from you aside from your heart. God’s blessings aren’t just about giving you a comfortable life but about providing you with things that will make your life worth living. His blessings aren’t just something for your eyes to see but also for your heart to fill. 

So, when God makes you wait, wait for Him and have Him work within you. Let Him mold you in the process to make you a vessel of His love. Let Him bless you in His time. Remember that He cares for you, and He sees you. You are never neglected, but God is buying you time for you to be ready someday. 

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