God can change your perspective towards joy
A joyful life is what we all long and dream of. We want it to be lasting. It is one of our greatest desires. How one defines joy can be influenced by the environment, such as people on social media who flauntingly express happiness attached to material things like money or other earthly pleasures. Sometimes, we could feel the pressure to get what we want because of the standards around us. We get so pressured about feeling happy and joyous since that is what many people have been whispering to us. However, others haven’t noticed that joy comes to one’s life in different ways and forms. It is based on one’s perspective that happiness is born.
Not all people find joy in just one particular thing. Every one of us finds it in different ways and events in our lives. How one defines joy determines how one wants to live their life. We might say some people are more favored than others. But if we would learn to see our lives as one that also matters, we would slowly shift our perspective towards ourselves and less on others.
God sees you as love. Jesus died for you. You are favored because you are His child. God already provided your needs. You might say you are lacking a lot of things. That is because you see others as your standards, not how He sees you. He wants to be part of your life. Allow Him to teach you how to handle things in life. The joy your heart has been desiring can be found through the One living inside you.
Do not pressure yourself to be happy. Joy will always wait for you. If a situation makes you feel sad, then do so. Nothing is wrong with being sad and lonely. Do not worry because God has prepared everything already. The joy that he promised will find its way to you. Just allow God to teach you how to find it. Allow Him to make you see how blessed you are that you have reached that season in your life which you have been praying earnestly for from the past. See the things in your life as His provision. Those prayers of other people that you freely live with at the moment. The people who have taught you priceless lessons in this life. Remember that as His favor is free, so is joy. Joy isn’t bought. It is the genuine state and perspective of your life. It isn’t the absence of grief but believing He is moving in your life.
Joy can be found in things that may seem small in other people’s eyes. But know that pleasure is not limited to what you can see or touch but is more to how you see things. That is why no one can take it away from you. Know that it is something that you can own. It is not just dependent on this world. It depends on you and the things that are living within you. So let God be the center of your life, and you’ll find joy in Him. You’ll find it in places and people that you never expected. Let Him show you the wonders of the simplest things He can provide.