
God Can Do Great Things In Your Life If You Will Just Allow Him

You are not an accident. God created you for a purpose. But sometimes, you fail to discover that purpose because you never give God the chance to perform miracles. You think that you can make it all alone, that’s why you try to do things on your own. God wants to partner with you. If you just allow Him to move in your life, He will do great things that will surely make you realize that God’s plans are always the best. God will just wait for your heart to open. And when you let Him in, He will change and purify it until you are no longer scared to step out of your comfort zone. He will give you confidence until you are bold enough to pursue the desires that He planted in your heart.

Learn to surrender and allow God to take over. Do your best, but please include God in the process. Do not just call upon His name when everything feels so messed up. Allow Him to guide you along the way. Surrender the things that you can’t control in life. And trust that God will always help you. Consult God before you make any decisions so that He can always direct you to the right way. God is wise enough to teach you the best thing to do.

Choose to follow His words. Remember that God has His own ways of doing things. And most of the time, it’s very different from what we have in mind. He wanted us to experience a lot of things so that we can learn. So when God wanted you to go through a certain situation, just choose to do the right thing and continue to glorify His name. You may not figure out why you need to face difficulties in life, but just give God some room to perform miracles. Do not rely on your own understanding. Instead, depend more on God, and He will amaze you with His great plans.

Your journey with God makes life worth living. The time you spend with Him is one of the greatest treasures you will gain here on earth. You may experience success and a lot of victories, but nothing compares to our precious moments with God. Your relationship with Him will lead you to do greater things in life.


  • Ariel

    I’m so grateful to read this very inspiring message. It nourished my whole being. It can really change everything in one’s life that needed to be changed. GOD BLESS US ALL who trusts and believes in the Power and Mercy of One and Only GOD. 💖🙏💖

    • Joan Montano

      YES, indeed! That God is waiting for us to welcome Him in our lives, for us to experience His greatness and give Him the glory over everything in us,… thank you so much for the reminders and the encouragements you’ve always shared, God bless you more… 😊💕☝️