God Can Do So Much More If You Are Just Willing To Wait
Our patience will really matter at the end of the day. God can still do a lot of things in our lives. But sometimes, we tend to rush things, and we fail to experience the beautiful plans of God because we rely on our own understanding more than we trust in His ways. We somehow forget the great power of God, and we just follow our own timeline.
There is so much more in this life, God designed a wonderful future for you. But the question is, “Are you willing to wait?”. God’s ways are always mysterious. And most of the time, we can’t understand the things that are happening around us. But all we have to do is simply trust Him. Waiting will always be worth it in the end. We just have to be patient enough to allow God to do His thing.
God has a different timeline, and He is doing something great behind the scene. And those great things are very essential for our personal and spiritual growth. We need to go through the process. I know we tend to feel impatient sometimes because we compare our lives with others, and we fail to notice the good things that happened to us. But the truth is, you are growing. You just can’t see it because you are focusing on others’ accomplishments.
Learn to look at the things that God is doing in your life all this time, and you will realize that you are in good hands. Do not rush things. You can always trust in His perfect timing. Believe it or not, you will receive something from Him that that is beyond what you can imagine. Things that are greater than what you have in mind.
Enjoy the process of waiting. There is still a lot of things that you can do. Spend this moment with God and strengthen your relationship with Him. Talk to Him every day through prayers and read the Bible so that you will always be reminded about the right thing. Do not allow the lies of the enemy to consume your mind. Fill it with God’s words so that you will not be tempted to do things in your own way. God wants you to experience the best things in life. And you can only experience those things if you will choose to abide in Him and be patient.

Blezzete Anne L. Deriada
Wow amazing words of reminders
Peace be with his Holy Mighty Name. in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Alleluia,