
God Can Make You Whole Again

You are destined to know this truth
And this is not an accident
That you are reading this today

You are loved
2000 years ago,
Someone died to save you
2000 years ago,
His Blood was shed to redeem you from sins

That’s why stop living in a life full of misery
You are destined to be great
God has so many wonderful plans for you
He prepared something better for you
So don’t settle with things that will hurt you in the end

Look unto God
Set your eyes on Him
For His ways are always perfect
He will lead you if you will just allow Him

The pain that you feel right now
Is nothing compared to the future
That He prepared for you

There is still hope
You may be traveling through the darkness
And you think fear is slowly killing you
But always remember that

There is still hope
Don’t look for the light around you
Because all this time,
The light that you’ve been looking for is already inside of you

He is there in your heart
Telling you not to give up
He is gently speaking to you,
“My child, don’t be scared, for I am here with you.”

So have faith!
And learn to be patient
Continue to walk in His ways
Follow His voice, and He will lead you to the right place

Read His word so that you will be guided
And then pray for God’s love to reign in your heart
That in everything that you do,
You know that He is watching over you

You are God’s beloved  
His love will set you free
His grace will allow you to love others

When you live life with God
You will be fulfilled and satisfied
And you will realize that
Only Him can make you whole again


  • Ajith

    Thanks for your enquraging words as I am in darkness, you motivating through word of God is strengthen me a lot.

  • Liezel rosales

    My Lord Jesus Christ thank you because you died for me thank you for your love unconditional lord God Change my heart change my mind i need you 😭😭