
God can still be Tender with you despite of the Things that you have Done

God’s love for you never changes. It only goes deeper and deeper every day. He never sees you as your mistakes or your flaws. For He already understands you even before anyone does. He will always be that constant provider and lover who will never leave you. When you make a mistake that results in something that is not good, He is not punishing you. You have to realize that your situation is a product of your actions. He gave you the time and freedom to choose it for yourself. When something undesirable happens, it is not to punish you but to make you realize that there are things that will not be good for you. Remember that your life will be full of experiences and lessons. Your purpose is determined by Him, who created you, not the things in this world. 

Your sins are forgiven because Jesus died on the cross for you. But you also need to forgive yourself. Your wrong actions can never define you. Your activities occur because something is triggered on the inside. You must accept your history and stop running away from it. Do not let time pass, and trust that it will fade away. A pain never tended will always wire itself in any prey it could attach. It could affect how you respond to things and react to them. It could even destroy your relationship with others and with yourself. Facing and understanding your past, especially those who have hurt you, is never easy. It would take you time and a lot of effort to accept things. But remember that God understands you, and He will be patient with you in the process.

Forgiving yourself is a way to see more of God’s glory and favor in your life. To see things the way God designed them will require you to change perspectives in your life. It may not be easy but understand that sometimes doing the right thing doesn’t always feel so comfortable. It occasionally requires effort and time. But trust the process for everything will be worth it.

He will be with you in every decision that you will make. Always be guided by His word and promises. Be patient and wait for things to unfold on their own. Do your part, and He will take care of the rest. Acknowledge that you need healing, and it will be given to you. Sometimes, loving yourself takes commitment. But that commitment will never be wasted. For one day, you will experience freedom and peace within you that only God can grant. 

Your past is part of you. But remember that God will still care for you no matter what you have done. However, once you face it, do not do it and dwell on the things that He already saved you from. You always have the choice and authority to not choose what is not suitable for you. Instead, acknowledge and take heart that He is with you. He cares for you, and He will always love you. He knows and understands you. So, share everything with Him, and He will listen.