God Can Still Use Your Life Even If You Feel So Broken Inside
You may think that your sins and mistakes will hinder God from using you for His glory, but remember that God will use ordinary people to proclaim His greatness in this world. Never underestimate the things that He can do in your life. He can turn your brokenness into a blessing. Only if you will let Him reign inside your heart. He can turn your situation into a blessing. Just don’t dwell according to what you feel. Instead, focus on the power of God, and you will see His hands moving. He will perform miracles as long as you let Him move in your situation. God never looks at your own knowledge and skills. He knows that you can do anything as long as you have Him inside your heart.
God is just looking for an obedient heart. If you are humble enough to accept His corrections and learn new things, then He can use you to share His love with others. Just follow His voice even if you are not okay. Listen to the things that He is saying, for He will guide you to His will. There are days when you can’t understand His ways, but all you need to do is to trust Him. He knows the things that you need, and He will take good care of you. He will bless your obedient heart with things that you can never imagine.
Remember that God used the sinners in the Bible to proclaim and bring glory to His name. He still gave David a chance to reign as Israel’s King even if he committed adultery. He used Moses to help the Israelites even if he killed somebody. If you review the stories written in the Bible, you will realize that God can use anyone just to bless His people. Do not look at your sins because God will use the little things that you have as long as you let Him move in your life. You will experience more of Him if you only choose to have faith in His promises.
Your weaknesses will magnify God’s strength. He doesn’t want you to depend on your own understanding. He will open your eyes so that you will realize that what you need is just His presence. His love is always enough to make you feel so blessed and accepted. And when you learn to appreciate the things that God provided you, then that’s the time when you will be able to serve the people around you. It’s when you realize that God can use your brokenness to bless someone’s life.