God can Turn Your Fear Into an Instrument for Your Breakthrough
There were times in your life wherein you fought so hard for something or someone. The battle between you and what surrounds you became an everyday struggle to contest what you believe to what really is happening. There were events in your life where you were ready to sit down and bait for all you’ve got, just thinking about the present and sacrificing all your strength. But when matters turn out to be what we were not so confident to be, we lose our motivation to go on and move on. Sometimes, it is easy to say that life is full of ups and downs, but when matters are where our feet are, we lose the sight of faith that we once believe in.
But never stop trying. Never stop doing. Never stop giving your best in all you do because God never stops doing a favor. God never ceases doing great things. God takes care of all His creation; how much more of you is an image of His. So unleash yourself from doubts that are chasing you. Let yourself absorb good things. When things around you challenge you, remind yourself and your heart of His promises. Remind yourself that God already won the battle for you. He is never far nor near, but He is within you. God believes you’re stronger than you fear because He created you so. When it persists, ask God for His strengths and guidance. Let Him take you to where He promises you.
His promises never fail. His word never ceases to expand its wonders. Read His word every day, let it shine, and shower your path. Let His promises cure your broken heart and let it tend to you every step of the way. Keep your faith and bind it with His love. You are a wonder in His eyes, a beautiful masterpiece of care. Temptations are always there to attack and do no good to you, but remember that God is with you and is most extraordinary in everything you have encountered. Fearing something is not a sign of weakness but a revelation of your vulnerability, of which you need God along the way, more and more each day.
Remind yourself that God loves you every second of the day. He celebrates and cries with you. God is in every moment of your life. In every challenge and leap of faith you are doing, He carries you along. Living with Him is not just about walking in a field of flowers under a sunny sky but also about learning to dance in the rain. Living with him is not about rainbows but storms and swirls. So when things don’t go along with what you expect them to be and when things go out of hand, remind yourself that everything is in His palm already.
Please do remember that your fear does not define you. You are not your fear. You are greater and more of that. But, most importantly, God is more significant than all of it. God understands you always. He knows what your heart fears and what it beats for. So, hold on to His promises and His love. God’s cup is never empty; no one knows its depth. He is immeasurable.

One Comment
AMEN. This is exactly why Heart need right now. Thank you Lord God. Please Guide me always as I am always in great fear, please remind me that fear does not define me, but rather I am greater and most of all, Lord God understands me and loves me and will fulfill His promises, and Lord God will turn my fears into an instrument of my breakthroughs AMEN💙💙💙.