God Celebrates Your Small And Simple Victories!
You may not see the fruits behind all your efforts, but always remember that God delights in seeing you do something for His glory. He celebrates your simple victories. No matter how small it is, know that it’s always special in the eyes of God. Rejoice in every success that you experienced in life. Never take it for granted. Appreciate the things that you did because behind the celebration is the fact that you are also growing from the inside out. It may be small, but as long as you do it consistently, then sooner or later, you will see your progress. You will know that God blessed the good seeds that you planted in His kingdom. Just don’t focus too much on the progress. Instead, learn to enjoy the process.
Rejoice in the presence of God. Think about the good things that happened in your life. Sometimes, you will fail to celebrate your small victories because your expectations are too high. You focus on your goal, and you no longer appreciate the journey that God wants you to take. You think that success only happens when you get the exact thing that you wanted to have. But then, you need to take a look at your process and learn to thank God for the lessons that you learned along the way. It may take time but focus on the positive things in your life. You are actually growing from the inside.
When you feel like you don’t want to do anything because you can’t see any progress, just learn to recall your efforts and know that God will never waste all of them. Imagine that in every good and right thing that you do, it’s like you are planting a seed in the Kingdom of God. And once you learn to celebrate every seed that you planted in your life, you will slowly appreciate the ways of God. Just don’t be in a hurry. Know that God is still building the roots inside, so be patient and learn to wait. God knows when it will bear fruit, and when that day comes, you will realize that the journey is worth it.
God delights in seeing you grow in His presence. He appreciates those moments when you choose to get up every morning despite the pain and the brokenness you feel. He rejoices in you, especially when you choose to keep on walking despite the struggles that you are facing. You are so special in His eyes, and He sees your every progress. He knows all the small details, and He celebrates your every step.

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