God destined you to have more, So keep on moving
Continue walking in God’s presence and love. You can take some rest but remember that you are not destined to only stay in one place. You are not fated to only do one thing in life. You are meant to do many things that will reveal God’s love and favor. God prepared more for you, even blessings that you thought were impossible for you to have. Do not stay in your comfort zone because things and seasons change. Your needs now may not be what you will need in the future. But what you have now will constantly guide you. The words that kept you moving until now and the words that bind in your heart to have courage are His promises. Never let go of it. Let your heart obey Him even if you feel scared of what tomorrow brings.
Moving on and letting go of things is not easy. You will tend to always look back to what had been when your present alarms your emotions. You cannot avoid returning to what you are already used to because it keeps you safe and far from discouragement. However, please do not settle for things when there’s more that God can give for you. He prepared everything ahead. He understands that the changes in your life give you a hard time. He knows you are still tied to your past, which hinders your healing. Yet, He also loves you so much that He prepared things that will give you better days. You may not always understand what is waiting for you and why you must go through it. But remember that He knows more about your life than you do.
Doubts will always slide their way to consume your actions. That is normal. Doubt and fear always invite themselves, especially when you don’t know where your actions will lead you. However, you need to remember that without the presence of fear, courage is not fueled. Courage is not the absence of fear, but through fear, you discover your courage. When you walk on, always remember God’s promises that guide you. Be patient in your waiting season and be faithful in the process. Be patient with the lessons He will teach you, and keep them in your heart. Do not worry, for He will provide for your needs. He is a faithful God, and He will not leave you. Throughout the process, He will be there to shower you with the things that will help you.
There’s more to life than what you have now. It was His love that sustained you, and it will always be His love that will guide you. He believes that you deserve more and can grant you more than you ask for. Remember, you are serving a God of the universe. God and the Father’s wisdom are beyond what you can comprehend. So, if He says you must keep walking, then do so despite the fear. Always believe that His goodness will still prevail.