
God didn’t Create this World just for you to Hide from it

I understand that the experiences that life throws at you led you to hide from this world. Yes, it’s not easy. The pain is always there, and all you want to do is protect yourself from another heartbreak. But God didn’t create this world just for you to walk away from it. You deserve to be heard. And the world needs to see your beauty and unique gifts. So don’t just stay in the darkness. There is so much more in life than the brokenness you feel inside. If you just focus on the blessings around you, then you will surely see the wonderful things God wanted you to cherish. Maybe you think that it’s impossible to step outside your comfort zone, but He will be there to guide you. Your loving Father will support you along the way.

Choose to surrender the pain inside. The one thing that hinders you from exploring the beauty of this world is the fears you have. You are so scared that people might hurt you again. You are still carrying the pain, and you unknowingly keep it within. Remember that you can let it go. God is just waiting for you to open your heart so that He can come in and reign. He can heal your wounds and restore your soul. All you need to do is acknowledge His power and ask for His help. Call upon His name and will always be there for you.

This world is not that cruel. You may think that bad things keep on happening to your life, but the truth is, there are so many blessings around you. It’s just your eyes are too focused on what you feel. God’s creations are not that bad. Things may appear so broken, but this is the reason why He wants to use your life so that He can restore His creations according to how He designed them. If you are just willing to become His vessel, then you will surely realize the good things behind all the unexpected events you experienced.

Focus on the power of God, and He will reveal to you His great plans. He will guide you to the right path. And what He has in mind will never happen if you keep on hiding. Go out and embrace God’s light. Hold His hands and let Him give you the assurance and the protection that you need. He had already prepared everything. All you need to do is take bold steps and reach your dreams. Don’t let the fear and the pain stop you from fulfilling God’s purpose in your life.