
God Draws you Closer to Him Whenever You Feel Tired and Distant

God wants you to be closer to His faith whenever you are feeling restless and exhausted in life. He is drawing Himself nearer to you. Those things that make you feel miserable in life can turn out to be an instrument of drawing your faith nearer to Him. It is a perfect time to bathe yourself with the love that can give you the peace you need. He wants you to rest in Him. He will unburden you and teach you how to accept things wholeheartedly. This life isn’t meant to punish you. Instead, it is to teach you the lessons that will become a significant part of glorifying God in your life. He wants you to have the heart with His love for you. It is not just for Him but for you as well. He wants to be closer to you in every step of your life.

Submit your thoughts to Him and let Him teach you how to handle them. Sometimes, it is the thoughts that are making you feel so tired, for it can exhaust you even if there is nothing that is happening yet. Your thoughts are compelling but remember that He gave you the ability to manage yourself. You may not be able to control what it thinks, but you can always do and act the right thing. Put God at the top of your thoughts and let Him teach you how to manage it. Give Him your worries for tomorrow and just focus on today’s process. Focus on what He is teaching you now and absorb its wisdom. He is communicating with you in a lot of ways. He is trying to reach out through your problems and sorrow. He is trying to talk to you to put your faith closer to Him.

Give God what is meant for Him. Offer Him your load and the things that tire you. You are not meant to go through it alone. He is helping you. He is already there to catch you when you realize you are falling. That is why give yourself a chance to draw yourself closer to Him. No one can teach and heal you the way He can. The difficulties and problems you are facing now are like blessings in disguise to have Him closer to you. It is the time to experience more of His glory and blessings. It is a perfect time for you to pray and listen to His voice. He loves you so much and wants you to give him the strength to go through life with Him. Life with Him will provide you with more meaning and reason to go through. He will give you ways and whys with how you would go through this life.

In the midst of whatever you are going through, give Him all the praise and worship despite what you are feeling right now, may it be doubts or anger. Submit it all to Him. He knows how to comfort you. Remember, he understands you and your heart. Problems that you are experiencing right now are actually communicating with you. It is not just a burden. It is a lesson and a blessing. Through it, you will experience more of Him and of His glory. It is His way of bringing you back closer to your faith. He found favor in you and wanted you to have this life with Him.

One Comment

  • Jiesa

    Ohh common pursued you really hit me that much.there is something that I can’t understand now I am more confused it seems that 🤔🤔🤔 well I don’t know but 🤔 anyway you are my comfort zone pursued thank you soo much! What will I do without your uplifting statement 🤗 💋💋💋