God gives you the chance to live and be Named with your Worth and Purpose
Our existence in this world varies in different stages. As humans of complex nature, we also have different needs and wants. We are accompanied by different beliefs and cultures. We are shaped by various environments, raised, and taken care of in different ways. But as we progress, we realize an internal need for purpose. As adults, we live life in a way we are called to. We want to be bound with purpose as a form of force that helps us to go on and live life.
In doing things we need to do, we sometimes branch ourselves from a purpose that will help us be on the right track. But not all of us are driven to have one. Not all of us know what to do and what not to. There are times when a particular goal is achieved, we crave another one. We continually seek and ask for more. But let me tell you that God already knows your worth, even before you take a step to find one. The life that you are living right now is part of it.
Your existence itself is already worthy of Him. Please do not label yourself according to the measurement of this world. God himself is the only One who can reveal your actual value and worth. Don’t let this world label you for who you are not. He is in control, and so are you. You are in the power of your mind, so find that authority in you. He gives us a choice to step out from the dirty thoughts that the world and its hatred throw at us.
Your worth is not just measured by your success. Your value is not just shown in the battles you have won and those you conquer. Your victory is not just about what you have gained. It is more than that. You are of worth already. Let God pursue you. Let him reveal in you the depths of His love for you. The world may call you different names, but the Father knows who you are and what you are capable of. Don’t quit finding your identity. You can discover it in His presence.
You have a purpose. It is not always up to you to find out. Sometimes, you need to stretch your faith within His presence. You need to identify yourself in Him. You did not come into this world by default. You came here to live according to what you are called to do.