His Word

God Hears You

As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.

Psalms 55:16-17, NIV

Have you ever felt so lost and in pain to the point of giving up everything? Evening, morning and noon, you are begging God to take away the burdens that you are carrying. You felt stressed and burned out. You felt so exhausted.

David felt the same way. He also cried out to God in distress. Even though he believed in His great love and power, he also had some fears. But the good thing is, he knew that God would save him. He knew that He hears his voice. He didn’t face everything on his own. David didn’t rely on His strength. Instead, he called out to God and experienced His redemption.

The Heart of David

If, by chance, you are going through the same season that David went through, then keep this in mind: God hears you, and He will save you.

Don’t hesitate to call upon His name. Depend on His power and strength. Hold on to His love and promises. Choose to love Him. Trust that God is moving. And when you feel like He is not there and you can’t see His hands, just keep your faith. He will save you in the end.

Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for saving me again and again. Thank you so much for your great love. I pray that you will shower your love upon me and give me the strength to keep moving. I pray for faith like David, who’s willing to wait on your promises. Teach me how to depend on your grace and open my ears so that I can hear your voice. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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