His Word

God Hears Your Cry

In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.

Psalms 18:6, NIV

This is David’s cry to God. In His distress, he didn’t dwell on the bad things that happened. Instead, he called to the One who could help Him. He cried for it just like how you cried to God every time you badly needed Him. The good thing about David was that, even though his heart was not okay, he knew deep within that God heard his voice. He knew that God cared for Him.

So, if you happen to experience a difficult moment in life and it seems like no one is there to help you, remember that you can cry out to God. You can pour out what you truly feel in His presence. Go to your room, lock the door, and talk to Him. Tell Him what bothers you the most. Tell Him how hard it is for you to carry all the pain. Share the truth with Him, and He won’t judge you.

God’s love is your safe place. In His arms, you will never be condemned. In His presence, you will find comfort and rest. He can handle the negative thoughts in your head. God will listen to your cry, and He sees your wounded heart. He fully understands you because He sees everything that you are going through. So don’t hesitate to be vulnerable in His presence.

And after that, believe with all your heart that God’s ears are open. Trust that He is listening to you. And behind those tears, God is giving you a beautiful gift you can only receive when you allow Him to move. You will receive His strength when you learn to surrender. And He is just waiting for your heart to open for His love, and only then will you slowly see His light. You are not alone in this season. God is with you.

Prayer: Loving Father, thank you so much for reminding us that you always hear our cries, for giving us the hope that we need, and for your great love. We pray for a heart willing to trust, especially in moments of pain. Teach us how to surrender our worries and cares. And give us a heart like David that’s always ready to call upon your Name. This we ask, in Jesus’ Name, we pray, amen.