God holds your Identity and your Worth, not your Thoughts
Overthinking kills more dreams than doubts. It went ahead of everything you had planned to reach the dead end of your goals and desire. It could seize your faith and make you feel unworthy of things. However, overthinking may sound like a natural thing to do. Still, it is a silent killer of our passion and desires. We naturally think as humans. But you need to understand that overthinking is only an extreme version. God gives you great authority over your thoughts. It fills your mind, and you can choose what to do with them—you need to understand yourself better to handle overthinking and how it could affect you.
Your mind and your thoughts are limitless. It could jump from one impossible thing to another. You need to understand that what is in your mind is not always who you are or who you should be. Your thoughts can fill things that would make you feel either worthy or unworthy of things. That is because it becomes the product of your past and its influence in your life. However, your identity is far from it.
For this reason, you need to know how to filter your thoughts. How God knows you and the identity that He has for you is far from the negative things that your mind is saying. It is not to fight with your thoughts but the understanding that your thoughts do not determine and label who you are.
You need to acknowledge your thoughts and be conscious of them. Try not to fight it and let it flow. When thoughts that could harm you suddenly appear, declare that it is not right and you will not do something that would hurt you. It is a great gift that God has given you. The ability to be conscious of your thoughts. That is why you are far greater than the intangible thoughts in your mind. Your identity is found in Him, who created and molded you. You are loved and worthy of being pursued. It is wise to think of things and their consequences, but you need to know when to and not to go beyond the idea.
Let God teach you, for He knows which thoughts align to His plans. He will teach you how to handle the things that you need and those that will help you in your journey. He has great plans to prosper you. So believe in His ways and great power. Do not be overthrown by the lies of the enemy. Rather be strengthened by His promises. Whenever you feel afraid, declare God’s promises in your life. It is okay to fear something. Know that God acknowledges and understands your feelings. Just submit everything to Him, even the thoughts you don’t want. Then let Him teach you how to be wiser in your ways.