
God, in times of crisis

In this time of crisis
Believe God is doing something
Your plans may be messed up
But trust God will surprise you

Treasure the moments with loved ones
You may lose your job and things
But God will replace it with something better
With the things aligned to His plans

You may find it hard to survive
But God will sustain you
So never give up
Even if you feel scared inside

Remember His love in your heart
So that when fear comes in
His love can take over
To answer the longing and help

Always trust God
Especially in times of uncertainties
You may wonder what will happen
But believe that God loves His people

He will never abandon you
Your present may be difficult
But you need to increase your faith
And believe in God’s miracles

Even if you don’t see anything yet
Know that when this crisis ends
Just keep on praying
Remember you are never alone