God Is All We Need
It’s not your fault
You are not a mistake
You are beautiful
You deserve good things in life
You are worthy of love
You may not feel it right now
Because you are too disappointed and in pain
But always remember that God loves you so much
He will never reject you
You are not forgotten
God knows every detail of your life
He knows the things that make you happy
He cares for you
Maybe you expect somebody else to do that in your life
Perhaps someone close to your heart
But I pray that one day,
You will receive the love of God
And you will realize that He is enough
He will heal your heart
And make you whole again
God will restore you
He will redeem you from your painful past
Your tears will never be in vain
God will turn it into joy
When the time is right,
God will fulfill His great promises in your life
You may feel so down right now,
But He will lift you up
And when that day comes,
You will be singing with so much gladness
Because God made you feel so special and loved
You are His precious child
You are destined to experience a fulfilled and happy life
God is the one you need
His love is the only solution to your deepest heartache
One Comment
P Jayakumar
Now you r too disappointed and in pain He will never reject you God will redeem in his time Thank you Hallelujah