God Is Closer Than The Air That Surrounds You
The problems that you are facing may lead you to think that God is too far, you may not feel His presence in your situation, and you think that God already abandoned you. But the truth is, He is closer than the air that surrounds you. He is with you. He never leaves your side. So do not be discouraged and keep on talking to Him because God is listening to you. He is not deaf nor blind. He sees everything you are going through, and whether you believe it or not, He is making way for you. Instead of doubting His love, choose to trust in Him because He is preparing great things behind the scene.
God is inside your heart. He is gently speaking to you. Maybe you didn’t recognize His voice, but He is always reminding you of His love. Your Heavenly Father will take good care of you. So do not be afraid and imagine that God is with you wherever you go. Move forward and surrender to Him all your worries and cares. If you can’t find Him in your life, then try to close your eyes and listen to your heartbeat. Remind yourself that God is resting inside, and He is there pushing you to keep the faith and not to give up. He will reveal great things to you along the way. And He is keeping your heart strong so that you will have the courage to overcome the challenges in your life.
He is holding your hands. You may fail to appreciate Him, but He is guiding you all this time. When you can’t understand your situation, just remember that God will be there to pick you up when you fall down. He will give you enough grace so that you will be able to stand the test of time. The path that you are taking may be difficult for you to walk through but know that God is there with you along the journey. He is protecting you. Every time you feel so weak, always put in your heart that God will always send His help.
You are not alone. Cry out to God. Pray to Him, and do not stop. He is sending His angels to assist you. He is closer than you think. He loves you so much. And no matter what you do, He will always stay faithful to you. When you feel like there’s no one else who cares for you, then call upon the name of God, and He will answer you. He may not give you the exact answer that you need, but He will assure you that great things will happen in your life.

Jamna Kristine Masbate
I want to grow and learn spiritually
Nathaniel Myles
Yes Amen! Thank You Jesus!
AMEN. All praises be to GOD!